I sit here complaining about how much rain we are getting in Lyon, and halfway across the world there are people complaining about how much rain they are lacking. Georgia is experiencing a severe drought and my mom told me that Lake Lanier (the largest lake in Atlanta) is drying out quickly. I remember a few summers ago when we experienced droughts and we had to be conscious of every time we used water – there would be fines for neighbors who used their hoses to wash their cars or to water their gardens. My American History professor tells us recent news of the week before class, and a week ago he told us that Sonny Purdue and other political figures had a prayer session asking for rain.
I should be thankful for the rain. Of course I am. Thanksgiving is still having its effect on me – the “I am thankful for…” one. Yesterday was a Thanksgiving that I have never experienced before. First of all, it was in France. France doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving so it was a little odd not hearing the familiar greetings of “Happy Thanksgiving” in stores, or seeing holiday decorations around the city. Second of all, I had to attend class. That was a first. It wasn’t all too bad – it just felt like an ordinary day. But when the sun went down and the rain started to downpour, I couldn’t help but get into my homesick mode, especially with the fact that it was Thanksgiving. But I got myself out of it because there is never any use sulking around and complaining. So I got ready to go to the dinner prepared by CEFAM. A couple of us got there a little late, but there was still food for us – turkey, green beans, stuffing, apple pie, and plenty of wine. I woke up this morning and thought to myself that it was the first time I didn’t wake up stuffed. Not that it’s a bad thing – it was just different. The food was great and it was nice seeing all of the French students again. I haven’t seen a lot of them since Integration Weekend so it was good reconnecting with them.
Yesterday also had another significant purpose. It marked the one month mark for the time I have left here. HOW SCARY.
Today’s agenda includes going to Croix-Rousse, getting homework done, and possibly start watching holiday movies. :)
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